1. About us

    The CCP Research Foundation CIC has roots in both the academic world and the commercial world; its objectives and methodology will combine the best elements of both.

  1. Funding for the ARPs

    ARPs fundingThe CCP Research Foundation has the goal to support Associated Research Projects in the field of "public trust" of small and medium-sized enterprises. We have created this platform to forward and ease the science cooperation via our foundation. Our website aims to connect grant-seekers and companies ready to invest in the research of factors that affect the performance of enterprises and certain industries.

    Together with our partners, we have managed to fund some researches focused on the adoption of sustainable business practices. We believe that sustainability and CSR are the next steps for each company that wants to be successful. Also, our partners helped us sponsoring a range of seminars on this topic. The organized events offer the possibility of new joint projects between different Institutions.

    We offer a transparent collaboration and many advantages for our partners and clients. We want to influence the development of ethics risk management. For grant applications, please contact us at info@ccpresearchfoundation.com.

  1. The CCP Research Foundation is a new, independent social enterprise vehicle, set up to foster and support a new generation of research projects on the theme of "Conduct, Culture and People."

  2. Find out more about us

    If you would be interested in being given an informal presentation at your offices about the work of the Foundation (and/or the Conduct Costs Project) and how its work relates to your business please contact:


  3. Join the conversation

    You can now follow the CCP Research Foundation on Twitter!


  4. Contacts

    CCP Research Foundation C.I.C.